2020 Country Fair and Vintage Transport Show postponed

This year’s annual country and vintage show at Himley Hall and Park is to be postponed.

The event was due to go ahead on Sunday May 31 but will be postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak and the consequent government advice on social distancing.

It is hoped that the popular show can be re-scheduled for later in the year if government regulations permit.

Councillor Ian Kettle, cabinet member responsible for halls, said:

The country fair event is a fun family event and although it is regrettable we can’t go ahead in May, we currently have to be advised by government as to what and when we can organise.
The foremost focus at the moment is making sure that residents remain safe and we stop the spread of Covid-19 by staying at home to protect ourselves, the NHS and save the lives of as many people as we can.

For more information on coronavirus advice visit http://www.dudley.gov.uk/coronavirus


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