Household waste site

Appointment system for tip proving popular

More than 20,000 people have visited the tip in Stourbridge since it was re-opened and made appointment only due to the coronavirus pandemic, new figures have revealed.

The Household Waste Recycling Centre re-opened at the start of May following lockdown - but only to people with pre-booked appointments.

That system is still in place to ensure social distancing guidelines can be applied – but an increasing number of people are turning up at the site without a confirmed pre-booked slot.

Anyone without an appointment will be turned away without exception.

Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for environmental, highways and street services, said:

“In order to keep people safe we do need to keep strict social distancing measures in place, which is why we are continuing with the pre-booking system.

“It has been very popular, with approximately 21,000 visits to the tip since it reopened. There has been an estimated 2,220 tonnes of waste deposited at the site and roughly 1,600 tonnes recycled.

“I would remind people not to turn up to the site without booking first as they will be turned away. If you have booked and are no longer able to attend, please cancel the slot via Dudley Council Plus to allow other residents the opportunity to use the site. We are also working to put a system in place to allow people to cancel online, which I hope will be available in the next few weeks.

“I would like to thank all our residents for continuing to follow government guidelines in the continued fight against coronavirus.”

Residents can reserve a slot, subject to demand, and this now includes residents with vans, trailers and pickups who already have a permit. The number of visits per hour is being limited to allow people to use the site safely. Households and existing permit holders will be limited to one visit per week (subject to availability) to maximise the number of residents that can benefit from the site being open.

Permit holders should take their permit with them and hold it up against a closed window for inspection. Hired vans should take their hired agreements with them and also hold these up against a closed window for inspection.Rules allow for just one person per vehicle unless two people are needed to unload. No children or pets are allowed. Strict social distancing measures are in place to help keep staff and visitors safe.

Due to social distancing, no assistance for unloading can be provided, and users are asked to sort their waste before arrival. The re-use shop remains closed and parking will be limited to one side.

Appointments can be booked at or by calling Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345.

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Dudley Council