Bravo for bin crews
Residents have been showing their appreciation of the borough’s bin crews by leaving messages and pictures out with their weekly bin collections.
Handwritten notes and colourful pictures started appearing on wheelie bins shorty after shutdown started and have been appearing ever since, a real boost to the crews who are working at reduced capacity ever since the beginning of the outbreak.
Pictures have been posted on social media and residents are encouraged to continue to post them over the coming weeks, using the #bravoforbinmen or #dudleystayshome hashtags
So far this week, despite their reduced numbers, the crews have continued to collect waste from 139,000 households across the borough and collected 311 tonnes of recycling.
Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for environmental, highways and street services, said:
Our bin crews are doing an amazing job during this difficult period for all of us and I’m really proud of them.
It’s lovely to see the cards, pictures and little gifts left for our crews by appreciative residents. Our bin crews are quite modest, but they are providing an essential service and I’m glad to see them getting the recognition they deserve.
We all need to pull together during this crisis, play our part and say thanks when we can.
Bin and recycling collections continue as normal, including over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.
While the green bin service is temporarily suspended, weekly waste and fortnightly recycling collections continue as normal with residents asked to put their bags/bins/boxes out on the kerb by 6.15am on their normal collection day
Residents self-isolating because of symptoms, should take extra care with the waste they are putting out for collection. Personal waste such as used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths should be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags.
These bags should be placed into a second bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. Where possible this should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin or communal area.
For information on bins and recycling during coronavirus visit https://www.dudley.gov.uk/residents/bins-and-recycling/