Huntingtree Park

Cash investment to improve borough parks

Nearly £17,000 is to be spent on sprucing up three borough beauty spots.

The investment will see improvements at Netherton Park, Marsh Park in Brierley Hill and Huntingtree Park in Halesowen.

Nearly £7,000 is to be spent at Huntingtree Park replacing all of the bins, which have rusted and are beyond repair. The cash will also pay for a new net for the tennis court, a boot scraper for footballers and a picnic bench with wheelchair access.

At Marsh Park, just over £6,000 will be spent with plans to also replace all of the corroded litter bins at the site. In addition, money has been set aside for three new war memorial benches.

And finally at Netherton Park, £3,870 is to be spent. It will see a handrail installed on the long winding stairs of the park’s rose garden that leads down the path towards the nursery, and the replacement of three litter bins.

Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for environmental, highways and street services, said:

“I welcome this investment to improve three popular and well-used open spaces in the borough.

“In consultation with each of the parks’ Friends groups, we’ve listened to what residents who live close to the parks and use them regularly want to see.

“The current litter bins at all three sites had become an eyesore, so I am sure users will welcome their replacement along with the other improvements to sporting facilities and access.”

The funding is coming from section 106 payments made by developers, who agree to put forward cash to offset any increased usage of local facilities.

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