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Changes likely in Council Tax Reduction Scheme

Proposed changed to Dudley Council’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) will be discussed at cabinet again next week.

The council recently consulted on plans to increase the minimum payment for CTRS to 60 per cent for eligible working age residents.

The proposals, which will not affect people of pension age and is not related to council tax discounts, such as single person discounts, form part of the authority’s proposed budget for the next financial year.

If approved at cabinet, they will be put before full council.

Councillor Steve Clark, cabinet member for finance, said:

“As we work to finalise the budget for the next financial year, we are taking difficult decisions to make the necessary savings of just under £42 million.

“In order to ensure we can continue to deliver our statutory services, we have had to look carefully at non-statutory support including the Council Tax Reduction Scheme.

“The majority of consultation participants agreed with our proposals for the scheme and, subject to cabinet and full council’s approval, these will be brought into place for the next financial year.”

Cabinet will consider the report when it meets on 30 January, with full council discus the issue on the same day.

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Dudley Council