Community safety event
People can have their say on community safety issues at an event next month.
safe & sound, Dudley’s Community Safety Partnership, which incorporates the borough’s police and crime board is hosting an event on Tuesday March 19 from 6pm at Stourbridge Town Hall.
During the event, people who live, visit and work in the borough will be able to say what they think the big community safety issues are in the borough and find out more about the partnership’s work and its priorities for the year ahead.
They will also be able to put questions directly to the people who are accountable for community safety.
This includes senior officers and decision-makers from Dudley Council, West Midlands Police, Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB), West Midlands Fire Service and Dudley and Sandwell Probation Service.
People must confirm their attendance in advance via
Anyone who is unable to attend can share their thoughts via an online survey up until March 31.
The survey is available at https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/dhys24
Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member for housing and safer communities, said:
As partners, we work together to make the borough a safer place. An important part of what we do is to understand the community safety issues and concerns of people who live, work, or visit here.
We ask for feedback every year, so we can keep on top of the current issues and ensure we can plan and prioritise appropriately for the year ahead.
We’d love to see as many people as possible on March 16, but to those who are not able to come along please take a few moments to complete our online survey.