Consultation on Black Country Plan launches
People can now have their say on major housing plans to help shape developments across Dudley borough for the next two decades.
People can now have their say on major housing plans to help shape developments across Dudley borough for the next two decades.
Last month Dudley Council’s cabinet gave the go ahead for a consultation on the latest phase of the Black Country Plan.
The draft plan outlines potential future developments across the Black Country and is now being consulted on by the four Black Country councils – Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton.
The plan aims to identify land for housing and employment purposes across the Black Country whilst continuing to protect green belt land from developers.
The government projects that the Black Country will need just over 76,000 new homes over the next 20 years. To support this growth, it also needs 560 hectares of land to accommodate new jobs by 2039. This is equivalent to 835 football fields.
The consultation gives people the chance to have their say on the proposed sites for development and where they think new development should be in the Black Country.
Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of the council, said:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Dudley Council will always consider brownfield sites first.
We will explore every opportunity to build on previously developed land to fulfil future housing and employment needs and importantly to protect our green belt.
We know people care about what happens on their doorstep so I would urge them to take a few minutes to complete the consultation and help shape the future of this borough.”
The consultation runs from August 16 to October 11 2021. Find out more and complete the survey at blackcountryplan.dudley.gov.uk/
Alternatively you can visit your local library or council reception area or email blackcountryplan@dudley.gov.uk