cllr harley and cllr shakespeare visit the new warden's base at saltwells

Council bosses tour new warden’s base at Saltwells

Senior council leaders visited the newly assembled Warden’s Base at Saltwells National Nature Reserve this week.

The £450,000 base was delivered in pieces and assembled on site last week. An internal fit-out still needs to happen, before the base opens for use by the wardens, friends group, volunteers and pre-booked community activities in the New Year.

The building will provide a much-needed base for Dudley Council’s wardens and people who volunteer at the 247 acre green space. It will also act as an education centre for school groups and community activities and sessions.

Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of Dudley Council said:
The new warden’s base looks fantastic, it’s just what the reserve needs and I’m so glad we’ve been able to invest in the site.
We received National Nature Reserve Status from Natural England back in October and this new base will allow us to build on that momentum to create a National Nature Reserve we can all be proud of.
Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for environmental, highways and street services, said:
It’s all coming together at Saltwells, this new base will really help the wardens and also means that our invaluable friends and volunteers will also have somewhere to meet and work from.
The main work is done now that the base is on site, it’s just a case of sorting the interior and doing some landscaping and the base should be ready in the New Year.

The site work and internal fit out is expected to be completed in the New Year and landscaping will follow. The wardens are hoping to start booking in visits for community groups in the new year as covid-restrictions allow.

People can find out more about Saltwells at and follow the reserve on twitter and facebook @DudleyNature

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Dudley Council