Elizabeth Dalloway, Road saftey education lead, Councillor Damian Corfield, cabinet member for environment and highyways and award winner Elizabeth Hampton

Council employee wins award for sharing cycle joy

A Dudley Council employee has received a national award for her dedication to helping children and young people cycle safely in the borough.

Dudley resident Elizabeth Hampton has been a road safety assistant at the local authority for the last two years. Although she was initially not a confident rider, she was supported by the council’s road safety team and completed Bikeability levels one, two and three before becoming a qualified cycle instructor herself.

Dudley Council put her forward for the personal achievement award, which she won as part of the National Bikeability Awards last week.

She is now an advocate for cycling and visits schools and community locations throughout the borough to share her passion to people of all ages and abilities.

Elizabeth Hampton said:

“I am incredibly grateful to the road safety team who helped me gain confidence on a bike.

“As someone who hadn’t cycled for many years, and didn’t even own a bike, I was nervous to get on a bike as an adult despite the obvious health and environment benefits to being able to cycle.

“I watched so many pupils gain confidence on a bike at our school and then I felt it was time for me to learn these skills too.

“It’s a huge honour to win this award, I will continue to promote the many benefits of cycling and I am incredibly excited to be able to continue with my work to help others gain confidence and safety skills for cycling.”

Councillor Damian Corfield, cabinet member for highways and environment, said:

“Our Bikeability and learn to ride sessions help hundreds of adults and children to develop confidence and skills every year in schools, parks and other spaces across the borough.

“I would like to congratulate Elizabeth on winning this award, she is a real inspiration to everyone and is proof that it’s never too late to benefit from all that cycling has to offer.”

To find out more about the bikeability sessions in Dudley people can visit Road Safety Dudley Council on facebook or email road.safety@dudley.gov.uk

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