Cllr Karen Shakespeare (3)

Council pledges £2m on potholes

Council chiefs have promised a £2 million spend to tackle potholes in Dudley borough over the next three years.

The council will inject £1 million in the next financial year, with £500,000 to be set aside for each of the two subsequent years.

It will target hundreds of potholes across miles of residential streets as well as some complete resurfacing of roads.

The council inspects and repairs hundreds of miles of roads every year. It also responds to reports of potholes made by the public via the website.

Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for public realm, said:

We know potholes can cause issues for all road users and we already work all-year-round to tackle potholes and road resurfacing.
The £2million investment over the next three years will be a welcome boost to the work we can undertake.
Residents have told us how important it is to them that we ensure residential and side roads are also patched and resurfaced and we will continue to work to make improvements in this area.

The budget proposals will be reviewed at cabinet later this month.

People can report potholes via the council’s website at or by calling Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345.  

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Dudley Council