Councillor Shaz Saleem

Council shares winter travel safety tips

Cyclists and pedestrians are being urged to ‘Be Bright and Be Seen’ as the darker nights draw in.

Dudley Council is promoting its yearly campaign, which reminds people how best to be seen when out and about in the winter.

Top tips from the ‘Be Bright and Be Seen’ campaign include wearing brightly coloured or fluorescent clothing that will show up well in daylight and at dusk and wearing reflective gear when it’s dark.

People are advised to use accessories – even small items like armbands and stickers can improve visibility.

Cyclists should remember that it’s law to have clean and working lights at night as well as a rear reflector.

People should always use safer places to cross wherever possible, and make sure routes are well lit if it’s dark.

Councillor Shaz Saleem, cabinet member for highways and public realm, said: 

Our road safety and travel awareness teams have been sharing some great tips on staying safe when cycling and walking during the winter.
We are also reminding motorists to drive carefully and to always be mindful of the dangers, especially when autumn and winter weather makes visibility poor.

The road safety and travel awareness team offer a range of services including cycle training and presentations for school pupils and community groups. For further details about any of the services that the team provides call 01384 815433 or email

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