Council tenant banned from home following court ruling
A council tenant has been ordered to leave her Stourbridge home following complaints of serious anti-social behaviour and suspected criminal activity.
Magistrates imposed a closure order for three months on the home of Anna Cole in Shenstone Avenue, Norton.
The order - imposed at Dudley Magistrates Court in the 42-year-old’s absence - bans anyone from entering the property including the defendant, who will now have to find alternative accommodation.
The court hearing on Friday (Mar 12) heard the council was seeking the order on the grounds of “disorderly, offensive and criminal behaviour” at the premises, causing “serious nuisance” to members of the public.
The council will now seek to apply through the courts for a possession order to be granted, which could ultimately lead to Cole being evicted from the property on a permanent basis.
Councillor Laura Taylor, cabinet member for housing and community services, said:
We are pleased with the ruling from the court.
We have received numerous complaints over a period of many months about alleged criminal activities at the property, and it became clear that the tenant was acting in breach of her tenancy agreement.
This is an important first step, and we will now be applying for a possession order so the defendant is not allowed to return to the property ever again. Residents in Shenstone Avenue have suffered enough, and we will do all we can to protect them from nuisance and anti-social behaviour.