Council to pilot next community reuse and recycling event
Dudley Council is asking residents with unwanted items to gift them to a community sharing pilot.
The local authority is holding it’s next ‘Too Good to Throw Away’ event at Kingswinford Methodist Church on Stream Rd on Tuesday 8 October from 10am to 3pm.
People will be able to donate unwanted household items that are in good working
order including curtains, bedding, cushions, kitchenware, small electrical items, clothes, food and unused toiletries.
Residents are also asked to donate children’s winter coats, which will be used by the local family hubs to support families across the borough.
These items will then be shared between charitable organisations in the borough, including Provision House, which repurposes them for community use.
Councillor James Clinton, cabinet member for public health, said:
“This is the fourth community share pilot event we have organised, and it’s wonderful to hear how donations from the other events have been repurposed in our local communities.
“This year we are asking families to also pass on any winter coats that their child has outgrown so that they can bring joy and warmth to another child.”
Councillor Damian Corfield, cabinet member for highways and environment, said:
“Too Good to Throw Away is a fantastic initiative which enables people to help one another at a community level, while reducing the amount of unnecessary waste adding burden and cost to the taxpayer.”
For more information people can visit Dudley Council’s website