Call centre staff

Dudley Council Plus walk-in centre

Proposals to close Dudley Council Plus walk-in centre and provide in-person customer support, closer to people’s homes have been approved.

At last night’s full council, members approved the plans in an update to the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.

It comes as a review of the service highlighted the number of people visiting the Castle Street walk-in centre has decreased significantly following the pandemic, and since the launch of the council’s online platform MyDudley.

More than 94,000 residents have so far signed up to MyDudley, which is receiving high customer ratings, and this figure continues to grow.

The council’s call centre is now also consistently achieving high call answer rates and will continue to support residents.

Councillor Phil Atkins, cabinet member for corporate strategy, said:

“As part of a review of its customer services, the council will close the walk-in centre on Castle Street and instead provide services requiring an in-person customer meeting at local customer service points across the borough.

“This will allow residents to access council services face to face with support, closer to their home.

“We will use existing community buildings and residents will be kept fully informed ahead of any changes coming into effect.

“The council will continue to ensure customers can contact us easily, in the most appropriate and convenient way to support their need.”

A working group has been set up to deliver the redirection of services.

Contact Information

Dudley Council