Dudley Council shares local outbreak control plan for coronavirus
Dudley Council has shared details of a local outbreak control plan that will help to keep residents and visitors safe during the latest phase of controlling the pandemic.
Other local authorities across the country are also releasing their localised plans this week, as coronavirus lockdown restrictions continue to ease.
The Dudley borough plan sets out how Dudley Council will identify and contain potential outbreaks in places such as workplaces, housing complexes, care homes and schools.
Dudley Council has confirmed it will work closely with the Test and Trace service, local NHS and other partners to carefully monitor covid-19 infection rates and to respond locally if needed.
Latest data suggests just 6 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in Dudley borough in the last week, down from 324 during the first week of April.
The authority is continuing to work with a number of local organisations and bodies to communicate messages around the importance of following government guidelines during the pandemic.
Councillor Patrick Harley, the leader of Dudley Council, said:
We have made fantastic progress in Dudley in the fight against this virus and I want to thank everyone in Dudley for playing their part in starving this fire of oxygen.
The release of this vital document today will serve as a reminder to our residents and businesses on the importance of continuing to follow government guidance.
I would ask residents to please continue to socially distance wherever possible and to enjoy the ease of lockdown with a sense of responsibility and civility as any local spike could result in lockdown action.
People are reminded of the public health advice to help reduce the risk of contracting and spreading the coronavirus, which includes:
• Regular handwashing
• Maintaining social distancing wherever possible
• Wearing a face covering when in higher risk areas such as on public transport
• Recognising symptoms – new continuous cough OR a high temperature OR a loss or change to sense of smell or taste
• Quickly getting tested if you have any of those symptoms
• Self-isolation if you have symptoms
Bal Kaur, director of public health, said:
The public response to the rollout of NHS Test and Trace has been fantastic, and we continue to rely on everyone to play their part.
We have a strong relationships with our local communities and people will be reassured that we have robust plans in place and can take action if needed to keep our residents safe.
I would ask everyone in Dudley to continue to socially distance, wash hands thoroughly and regularly and to use a face covering when in higher risk areas such as public transport and hospital.
If you have symptoms of the virus, a new continuous cough, high temperature or the loss or change to your sense of smell or taste you must stay at home.
Anyone who thinks they could have virus should book a test immediately by contacting 111 and if you are contacted by the tracing service, it is vital that you follow their advice.
People can view the local action plan online at https://www.dudleyhealthandwellbeing.org.uk/localoutbreakcontrolplan
For the latest information on help and support in Dudley, residents can go to www.dudley.gov.uk/coronavirus