Cllr Karen Shakespeare head shot

Dudley fly tipper prosecuted

A huge clean up near a residential area in Dudley resulted in a £400 fine for one thoughtless fly tipper.

Dudley Council’s green care team tackled the dumping ground on the embankment area at the rear of houses that back onto North Street Dudley and onto the Duncan Edwards Way. The area was strewn with a vast amount of fly-tipped waste, much of which was believed to be residential in origin.

During the course of the work a fly-tip of a large quantity of building waste was witnessed by the highways team. Waste enforcement immediately investigated the matter, identified the culprit and issues a fixed penalty notice of £400.

Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for public realm said:
This area seems to be a hot spot for fly-tippers, both those dumping industrial waste and unfortunately also householders who have no thought for their neighbours.
We can and will take enforcement action against anyone found to be fly-tipping. There really is no excuse for this sort of lazy and selfish behaviour.

The team has also written to local residents to let them know that they take these matters seriously and will take enforcement action on anyone found to be fly-tipping in this area or any part of the borough.

People can report fly-tipping to the council via Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345, or via the council website online forms

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Dudley Council