Cllr Simon Phipps

Dudley looks forward to the future with new commercial strategy

A new commercial plan has been launched to help Dudley Council bounce back from the pandemic while continuing to offer residents value for money services.

Dudley’s commercial strategy aims to help the local authority adapt to a more commercial way of working to make sure residents are getting value for money from their council.

The plan includes six principles to help the local authority deliver its long-term plans and recovery from the pandemic.

These include generating sustainable new income streams by expanding the local authority’s offer to its business and public sector partners. It also includes developing an innovative and commercial culture and collaborating with public, private and third sector organisations to deliver value for money for residents.

The strategy is crucial for residents as by attracting more income, the council will be able to invest more money into services to help communities across the borough.

Councillor Simon Phipps, cabinet member for commercial and customer services, said:

The commercial strategy is all about making Dudley a more customer-focussed organisation and making it clear that Dudley Council is very much open for business.
We want to work constructively with our partners in local business who are the lifeblood of the economy in the borough, as we recover from the pandemic and build on our work to offer better services to schools, collaborate with local business and deliver high-quality cost-effective services for residents.

The Commercial Strategy can be read here:

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