Dudley outlines deeper devolution deal priorities
Dudley Council has outlined its priorities for future growth as part of its deeper devolution deal commitment.
In March last year, the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and central government agreed a deeper devolution deal for the region.
This included government providing long term funding (known as the single settlement) to the West Midlands and the ability for decisions to be made locally on how it is spent over a number of years.
It is anticipated that confirmation of the initial single settlement agreement for the West Midlands will be confirmed in the Autumn statement later this year.
As part of the deeper devolution deal, each council within the West Midlands Combined Authority has been invited to develop a place based strategy which sets out their local priorities for investment against five themes.
The five areas are housing and regeneration, local growth and place, local transport, adult skills, and net zero.
At a meeting of the cabinet later this month (September 25), members will be asked to approve the new Dudley place based strategy.
It outlines priorities for the borough including developing the adult community learning offer and boosting business productivity and employment support.
It also includes ambitions for developing the transport network, improving walking and cycling infrastructure, as well as prioritising investment in town centres.
Councillor Paul Bradley, deputy leader and cabinet member for communities, climate change and economic delivery, said:
“The deeper devolution deal provides greater flexibility, stability and ability to influence how and where the money is spent over a longer period of time.
“As this will be the primary route for government investment in the West Midlands, and therefore in Dudley, the priorities set out in the strategy are critical in underpinning the case for investing in the borough.
“The place based strategy builds on the ambitious, recently adopted economic regeneration strategy and makes a compelling case for investment to meet needs and capitalise on opportunities in Dudley.”
The Dudley place based strategy will build on the success of the UK Shared Prosperity Funding which, as a devolved fund has delivered improved equipment and facilities in 15 parks and green spaces across the borough.
It has also supported the development of town centre partnerships in Dudley and Stourbridge, delivered a range of community and town centre events across the borough and supported residents and businesses to access a range of support services to grow the local economy.