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Free health and fitness programme available to support weight loss

A free programme designed to help people to lose weight and keep it off long-term is available in Dudley borough.

The ShapeUp4Life programme combines nutrition and lifestyle advice with physical activity, including a range of exercise classes.

Held over twelve weeks, the plan is open to any adult who lives or works in Dudley borough and has a high body mass index (BMI).

ShapeUp4Life has been developed by health experts and the NHS to focus on delivering long-term improvements to people’s lifestyles, instead of unsustainable crash diets.

The programme helps people to prepare more nutritious meals, make healthier choices when eating out, and become more active.

Participants also have access to a personalised dashboard where they can track their weight loss journeys, as well as a weight loss app and one-to-one coaching.

Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for health and adult social care, said:
ShapeUp4Life is a realistic plan that encourages people to take a closer look at their lifestyle and understand how their activity and diet affects their health. Making the small, sensible changes that the programme suggests is an effective way to lose weight and keep it off in the long run.
We all know the many health risks that being overweight can bring, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic. It is never too late to start improving your lifestyle. I’m sure anyone who participates in this programme will feel the benefit once they have completed it.

To sign up for the ShapeUp4Life programme or get more information, please visit

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Dudley Council