Get composting this spring
With the green waste collection service currently suspended, residents are being advised to compost where they can.
With the green waste collection service currently suspended, residents are being advised to compost where they can.
Many residents already have composters, but those who don’t can order discounted compost bins through the Dudley Recycles website https://www.dudleyrecycles.org.uk/
Residents can choose from a standard black plastic compost bin which transforms garden and some kitchen waste into compost or opt for the more specialised hot johanna composter which allows for the composting of all food waste, both cooked and uncooked.
The compost bins are provided by external companies (Great Green Systems or Get Composting), but a discount is available to Dudley residents. For example, the largest compost bin is reduced from £119 to £72 including delivery. Smaller compost bins are also available at a discounted rate.
Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for environmental, highways and street services, said:
While lots of people have taken advantage of the recent good weather to tidy up their garden, and use their green bins, we’ve had to take the difficult decision to prioritise household waste and recycling collections and suspend the green waste service for now
Composting is a great option for managing your green waste, it lowers everyone’s carbon footprint and helps to create a good quality compost for future planting. The offer of discounted compost bins is running for the time being and is certainly worth considering. Just click on composting tab on the top of the recycling page and have a look.
It is also possible to compost without a bin and there are also many online tutorials for how to compost without a bin, such as trench composting or bagging up grass cuttings or other garden waste to rot down.