
Have your say on licensing reviews

Residents and businesses are invited to have their say on two licensing policies which are due for review.

Dudley Council is responsible for the licensing of premises selling alcohol across the borough and in 2006, due to the growing number of licensed premises in Stourbridge, introduced a cumulative impact policy for the town centre.

This has meant anyone applying for a licence, or applying for a variation to an existing licence, in the designated zone would have to demonstrate the steps they would be taking to prevent any problems of nuisance and public safety and what they would do to promote the reduction of crime and disorder.

This policy is reviewed every three years and was last reviewed in 2019, people are now being invited to have their say on whether it should remain in place, be amended or be removed.

To view the draft policy and for details on how to comment visit

The council is also responsible for the licensing of gambling premises and is currently reviewing its Statement of Principles (gambling policy.)

Licenses are issued under the Gambling Act 2005, which has three licensing objectives:
• preventing gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder or being used to support crime
• ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way
• protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling

Dudley’s Statement of Principles (gambling policy) is reviewed every three years and updated to reflect any changes in statutory guidance.

To view the draft policy and to comment visit

Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for public realm, said:

When licensing premises, whether for selling alcohol or gambling, our priority is to ensure measures are in place for people to be able to enjoy themselves in a safe way, without causing harm or a nuisance to others.
We review these policies every three years and are inviting people to get involved and have their say.
Both consultations are open from 14 September to 26 October.

Contact Information

Dudley Council