Help with energy bills
Fuel vouchers worth more than £25,000 have been handed out to vulnerable families across Dudley borough amid rising energy costs.
Dudley Council issued 531 of the vouchers – worth £49 each.
It comes as many people across the country are facing increased energy costs.
The council targeted families on benefits who had previously asked for help via Dudley Energy Advice Line (DEAL). People on payment meters who had run out of, or were low on credit were given priority.
Balvinder Heran, deputy chief executive at Dudley Council, said:
Many people will be finding it tough at the moment but especially vulnerable families. We work all year round to offer help and support where it is needed but this felt particularly important at this time.
Any families who are struggling to pay their energy bills can get in touch and see if we can help.
The money was part of the government’s Household Support Fund which aimed to support vulnerable families and help with rising energy costs during the last stages of the pandemic.
In total, 395 council tenants were given vouchers along with 30 to housing association tenants, 23 to owner occupiers and 83 to private rented tenants.
Anyone worried about rising energy costs can call the Dudley Energy Advice Line on 01384 817086.