Artwork at Himley Park

Himley welcomes mystery penguin artwork

A local artist who uses cling film to create outdoor pieces has left visitors and staff delighted by leaving one of their works at Himley Hall and Park.

The artist who wishes to remain anonymous has left this latest creation, which depicts a penguin, between two trees near the waterfall area of the park.

The artist has been attracting attention throughout the region for their quirky work and has been dubbed the Midland’s answer to Banksy.

It’s hoped the piece will bring joy to families who live in the area as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to restrict where people can go and who they can see.

Councillor Ian Kettle, cabinet member responsible for halls, said:

We were so pleased to be visited by this local artist and it’s great to see their beautiful piece of work on display in the park.
We know all too well the difficult times our residents have faced and the sacrifices everyone has made to get Covid-19 under control but art is something that can bring us together even at this time when we must be apart.
Local people are very much welcome to visit Himley but as always we are asking residents to continue to socially distance and residents must stay away if they are in a household or bubble where anyone is symptomatic or has had a positive Covid-19 test.

Visitors to Himley Hall and Park can buy light refreshments, including tea and coffee, through the hatch on the Terrace at the hall. Car parking charges apply at the park and people are asked to only visit the park if they live locally due to current Covid-19 restrictions.

The penguin artwork will be in the park for two weeks before being removed in order to be auctioned for charity.

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Dudley Council