Housing advice and support available
Residents are urged to contact Dudley Council “as early as possible” if they need housing advice and support.
The council’s homelessness prevention team can provide specialist advice to anyone who feels that they may be at risk of losing their home.
This includes people who cannot meet their monthly housing costs or those who have been given notice to leave by their landlord. The earlier households seek help, the more housing options there are likely to be.
The team can provide advice on dealing with mortgage arrears for both homeowners and landlords, and help with private rented issues, such as a landlord not completing repairs or asking a tenant to leave their home.
The team also offers advice on debt issues and welfare options and specialist housing support for young people.
It can also help people who have experienced a relationship breakdown or are a victim of domestic abuse and are concerned about where they will live.
Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member for housing and safer communities, said:
The work of the homelessness team is far broader than helping people who are sleeping rough, although that remains one of the key priorities.
The dedicated team of specially trained officers can help people facing a range of housing issues.
One of the team’s key pieces of advice is to contact the team as early as possible as there is a greater possibility that they will be able to resolve an issue, before it gets to crisis point.
If anyone is worried and in need of help, I’d urge them to contact the team via Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345.
More information about the support available from the team is available at - https://www.dudley.gov.uk/residents/housing/housing-advice-information-and-support/homelessness/