Housing hubs now open
Council tenants can now get advice and support face-to-face via Dudley Council’s new housing hubs and surgeries.
The council launched the hubs earlier this month to make it easier for tenants to meet with housing staff and discuss their tenancy.
Two hubs are up and running for people living in Brierley Hill and Halesowen, with hubs also opening in Stourbridge and North Dudley later this year.
The Brierley Hill housing hub is located within the ground floor of Yeovil Court on Chapel Street and is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10am to 2pm and Thursdays from 10am to midday.
The Halesowen housing hub is on Andrew Road and open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 2pm.
The hubs will also provide access to a range of housing and support services such as Rent Advice, Housing Options and Tenancy Support. We will consult with residents over the coming months to see whether additional services are needed in each location.
Pop-up housing surgeries will also be taking place at the Dudley North family centre (on Wednesday mornings and Thursdays afternoon), Dudley Council Plus (Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 2:30pm.), and Stourbridge Library (alternate Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons).
Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member for housing and safer communities, said:
Tenants have told us that they want us to improve the way they are able to communicate with housing officers, and we recognise that post-pandemic face-to-face contact has reduced significantly.
We appreciate the importance of in-person conversations and we hope the new housing hubs will make this easier and provide the contact and support which we know is important to tenants.
We are rolling the new hub programme out in phases, and I look forward to seeing the new hubs open in Stourbridge and North Dudley in the coming months.
The hubs are appointment only. To book go to MyDudley to make a self-service request or call 0300 555 2345.
Contact Information
Dudley Council
Notes to editors
Picture caption: from left to right: Karen Kibrya, community housing team manager at Dudley Council and Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member for housing and communities