Household waste site

Keep tip running smoothly

With the tip experiencing busy periods and increased demand, people are urged to follow some simple steps in order to keep it running smoothly.

The household waste and recycling centre has been open for a number of weeks now following a temporary closure due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The site has been operating a booking system via Dudley Council Plus and online on the council website and demand continues to increase for slots.

To help during busy periods, people are asked to unload their waste as quickly as they can and if they have a lot of waste to unload they are asked to bring another person from their household to help. 

People can also save time by separating their waste beforehand. 

People are also asked to cancel appointments by calling Dudley Council plus on 0300 555 2345 if they no longer need them to allow other residents to take them up and the site to run as efficiently as possible. Earlier this week 100 slots were missed in one day alone. 

Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for environmental, highways and street services, said:

"We worked really hard to reopen the tip and we’re really pleased with how the appointment system has worked so far.

"The site remains very busy and the demand for appointments continues to rise so it’s really important people keep to their appointment or cancel them beforehand to give more people the opportunity to book a slot.

"The site is also currently running with slightly fewer bays in operation while the site operators carry out some further essential maintenance work. Residents can really help us keep queues down by moving through the site as quick as they can."

Anyone turning up without a prior appointment will be turned away without exception.

Households will be limited to one visit per week (subject to availability) to maximise the number of residents that can benefit from the site being open. 

No children or pets allowed are allowed on site. Strict social distancing measures are in place to help keep staff and visitors safe.

Due to social distancing, no assistance for unloading can be provided, and users are asked to sort their waste before arrival. The re-use shop remains closed and parking will be limited to one side for the time being.

People should call Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345 to book their slot. 

Contact Information

Dudley Council