Cllr Laura Taylor

Major overhaul of housing development complete

A £1.2million overhaul of a council housing development is now complete.

Dudley Council has carried out repairs and refurbishment to the Tanhouse development in Colley Gate.

Parts of the development, which were built 50 years ago, were in significant need of repair.

In the last 12 months new steel external stairwells have been installed to replace the previous concrete structures, properties have been painted, along with new external lighting, fencing, gates and paving.

The area’s green spaces have also been given a new lease of life.

As part of the project a number of small properties, known as pods, which were in poor structural condition have been demolished which has contributed towards the estate looking much more open and pleasant to live in.

Some of those properties were already empty but housing officers worked with the remaining residents to support them and identify alternative housing options that offered better quality accommodation.

Councillor Laura Taylor, cabinet member for housing and community services, said:

This has been a big piece of work but our ambition to create a nicer, greener place for people to live has driven our commitment to this project.
I would like to thank the residents for their patience throughout and now it is complete, we hope they can enjoy their new environment, which we hope will continue to serve them and many generations to come.

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