Mayor Andrea Goddard

Mayor celebrates inspiring women

The Mayor of Dudley is set to talk about her time in politics as part of an International Women’s Day event.

The event on Friday 8 March is organised by Sedgley Evening Townswomen's Guilds (SETG) Group.

The theme of this year’s International Women's Day is 'Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress'. SETG celebrates women and their achievements and inviting the Mayor to speak about her time in politics is particularly pertinent to Townswomen's Guilds which were founded in 1929 as a development of the Suffragists Movement. The guilds have a history of involvement with the democratic process and are keen to empower women everywhere.

SETG held its first International Women's Day celebration in March 2023 with 80 attendees and hopes to build on that success this year.

The Mayor of Dudley, Councillor Andrea Goddard, said:

“It’s an honour to be invited to speak at the Sedgley Evening Townswomen's Guild’s International Women's Day event. I saw the work they did at Christmas with knitted Christmas trees and knitted blankets for care homes, alongside their cheering choir performances. They show just how much can be achieved by working together.

“I will be speaking about my own experience of life in politics, however I know that nothing is achieved alone. We have to work together to make a difference and this very much ties in with the theme of this year’s International Women's Day”

Kerry Davies (chair) SETG said:

“We are all looking forward to learning about Councillor Goddard’s life as a female politician and celebrating women’s achievements in politics from having to fight for the right to vote through to women taking on leading roles in national and local government.

“All are welcome and tickets, which are £5, can be booked on 07794 618943.”

Karen Moore (vice chair) said:

We are very pleased and honoured that the Mayor of Dudley has agreed to speak at our second IWD event. I met her when she came to St Chad’s, Coseley to view the Crafty Christmas Tree and again when TG Singers sang for the residents at Broadway Halls and presented them with one of the blankets from the same community project. It is so good to know that the Mayor is working hard to visit and show her support for so many initiatives and meet so many Dudley residents.”

The group will also hear from a member of SETG who will be talking about how inspirational her mother was and the adventures she got up to in her 60s.

The event runs on Friday 8 March 2024 at Sedgley Community Centre from 2pm to 4pm. Refreshments are included and all are welcome.

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Dudley Council