Mayor urges people to get the flu jab
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Dudley have both had their flu jabs – and are urging borough residents to follow suit.
The first citizen, Councillor David Stanley, and his deputy, Councillor Hilary Bills, both attended Priory Pharmacy in Dudley today (Friday) to have the free jab.
It comes as it was revealed up to 30 million people nationally will be offered the jab for free this year in the biggest flu vaccination programme to date.
New Public Health England research suggests people who have both flu and Covid-19 are more at risk of severe illness and death.
The most vulnerable - including adults aged 65 and over, those with long-term health conditions and pregnant women - will be offered the flu vaccine first through their GP or via a midwife.
It will also be offered to household contacts of people on the NHS Shielded Patient List and all health and all social care workers who have direct contact with the people they care for.
Once uptake has been maximised in the most at-risk groups, the newly eligible 50- to 64-year-olds will be invited for vaccination later in the season. Anyone who is 50 to 64 years old with long-term health conditions should be vaccinated earlier in the season, in line with all others in risk groups.
All primary school children and, for the first time, Year 7 children will be offered the flu ‘nasal spray’ in schools to reduce community transmission. Two and three-year-olds will be offered the vaccine through their GP.
Councillor David Stanley, the Mayor of Dudley, said:
It’s really important that eligible people of all ages take up the offer of the flu vaccine, especially this year with the double threat of Covid-19.
It’s completely free and can help protect the most vulnerable people.
The nasal spray for children is completely painless, while the jab is just a small scratch.
I’m really pleased I had my jab, it didn’t hurt at all and I hope that me rolling up my sleeves encourages other people to do the same.
Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for health and adult social care, said:
Flu is a serious condition that kills, on average, 11,000 people in England each year and hospitalises many more.
Adults at high risk from flu are also most at risk from Covid-19. The free vaccine is more important than ever to help protect the nation from a double threat this winter.
Overall, nearly two-thirds of eligible people received their free vaccine last year, making uptake rates in England among the highest in Europe.
For more information on flu, go to https://lets-get.com/protect-your-health/flu/