More than £2.5 million spent on road repairs and fixing potholes
More than £2.5 million has been spent resurfacing roads and fixing potholes in the borough since April, new figures reveal.
Dudley Council’s highways team has carried out works on more than eight miles of road, the latest figures up to the end of October show.
They include part of Birmingham New Road, Flood Street island, Delph Road in Brierley Hill, Pensnett Road and Kidderminster Road in Wall Heath.
The team carried out works on 42 different roads from April to October, with £2.5 million spent on reconstructing roads and a further £240,000 on thin surfacing repairs.
Nearly seven miles of roads were completely reconstructed, with just over one-and-a-half miles getting thin surfacing repairs.
A further 30-plus roads and streets – including a stretch of Dudley High Street - will be repaired in December and January, along with works on 10 car parks across the borough.
Councillor Shaz Saleem, cabinet member for highways and public realm, said:
I am delighted to see such positive progress has been made on our road resurfacing programme, with nearly two thirds of it complete by the end of October and work continuing right up to the end of the year.
As someone who owns a taxi firm, I can fully appreciate the frustration motorists have with potholes.
It is right up there as one of the things we receive most complaints about as a council.
We are a listening authority, and that is why we have allocated millions of pounds from our budget to repair those roads most in need.
We will continue to do all we can to make it as easy as possible for our residents to get around the borough.