Person holding money

Nearly £10m given to borough businesses to help survive lockdown

Nearly £10 million has been paid out by Dudley Council in grants since November to help businesses survive lockdown, it has been revealed.

Finance chiefs have approved 3,100 grants totalling £9.9 million to borough businesses since the start of the second lockdown.

Grants of up to £14,000 are available as part of the latest raft of financial support for businesses, with people who meet the criteria urged to come forward if they have not already done so.

The new grants are aimed at businesses which have been forced to close by national restrictions, including non-essential retail, leisure, personal care, sports facilities and hospitality sectors.

Councillor Steve Clark, cabinet member for finance, said:

As a council we are committed to doing all we can to help businesses in the borough.
It’s fantastic news that we have already managed to assist so many in this last few months.
I am sure this money will be a lifeline for people naturally worried about the future of their business.
With this week’s announcement about the national lockdown staying in place until March at the earliest, I would urge all business owners to study the criteria carefully and get an application in if they are able to do so.
We want to help you, and if you meet the national criteria we will help you.

The rules on who is eligible for the grants have been set nationally and are based around the rateable value of the property.

Those businesses with a rateable value under £15,000 will able to apply for more than £6,000 in grants across three schemes - Local Restrictions Support Grant, the Closed Businesses Lockdown Payment and the Tier 4 restrictions period December 31, 2020 – January 4, 2021.

Businesses with a rateable value of £15,001 to £50,999 could be eligible for more than £9,000 across the three while those with a rateable value of more than £51,000 can apply for up to £14,000.

To apply businesses should visit or to find out more


Notes to editors

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The grants amounts are based on the Rateable Value and are below:

RV £15,000 and Under

Tier 4 31/12/20 – 4/1/21 payment - £238.20

Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) Addendum: 5 January onwards - £2,001

Closed Businesses Lockdown Payment - £4,000

RV £15,001 - £50,999

Tier 4 31/12/20 – 4/1/21 payment - £357.15

Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) Addendum: 5 January onwards - £3,000

Closed Businesses Lockdown Payment - £6,000

RV £51,000 and Over

Tier 4 31/12/20 – 4/1/21 payment - £535.70

Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) Addendum: 5 January onwards - £4,500

Closed Businesses Lockdown Payment - £9,000

Contact Information

Dudley Council