Cllr Paul Bradley

New housing document proposed

Dudley Council’s cabinet is expected to approve a planning document for new residential developments and minor works such extensions.

The new document will act as a guide to residents, developers, agents, and planning officers to inform decisions on domestic planning applications in the borough.

Designed to make the process easier to follow and more efficient, it will replace existing planning guidance for house extensions and new housing developments by bringing critical information together in one document.

It also addresses more recent changes to people’s living and working environments following the pandemic such as the increased demand for home working. It does not cover any new housing allocations.

Councillor Paul Bradley, deputy leader, and cabinet member for communities and economic delivery, said:

Housing planning is a vital component of the work we do and I am pleased to be able to put this new document before cabinet when we meet next week.
This guide centralises all the critical information and places emphasis on the importance of good design and sustainability, while reflecting on national policy direction.
It also takes considered look at density levels on new developments, as we recognise the need for developments to be placed in the right locations.
The guide does not allocate sites for housing which will be done through the Local Plan process

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