
New-look cabinet named

There are new faces on Dudley Council’s cabinet which was formally agreed tonight.

Council leader, Councillor Patrick Harley, named four new members of the decision-making body.

It was agreed at a meeting of the full council and follows local election results earlier this month.

The leader said Councillor Paul Bradley would continue as deputy leader of the council.

Former Mayor, Councillor Andrea Goddard, was named cabinet member for adult social care, while her civic consort during that period, Councillor James Clinton, comes in as cabinet member for public health.

The experienced, Councillor David Stanley, who has held a number of cabinet positions in the past, will be cabinet member for children’s services and education.

Councillor Ian Bevan has moved portfolios to cabinet member for housing and communities while Councillor Simon Phipps makes a return to cabinet but without portfolio.

Councillor Steve Clark remains as cabinet member for finance and legal, while Councillor Damian Corfield continues as cabinet member for highways and environment. Finally, Councillor Phil Atkins stays as cabinet member for corporate strategy.

Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of the council, said:

I have carefully chosen the right people to continue the work to date in delivering services for people across the borough.

There is also lots more to do to build on millions of pounds worth of regeneration which are on track Including the Midland Metro, the university campus in Dudley and many more, which are really starting to change the landscape.

We also have the tough task of steering the council through some very serious financial pressures, but I firmly believe have the right people in place to do that.

The council also agreed a new shadow cabinet led by Councillor Pete Lowe.

Cabinet in full  

Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of the council

Councillor Paul Bradley, deputy Leader (Communities, Climate Change and Economic Delivery)

Councillor Andrea Goddard, cabinet member for adult social care

Councillor David Stanley, cabinet member for children’s services and education

Councillor Phil Atkins, cabinet member for corporate strategy

Councillor Steve Clark, cabinet member for finance, legal and human resources

Councillor Damian Corfield, cabinet member for highways and environmental services

Councillor Ian Bevan, cabinet member for housing and communities

Councillor James Clinton, cabinet member for public health

Councillor Simon Phipps cabinet member without portfolio


Shadow cabinet in full

Councillor Pete Lowe, leader

Councillor Judy Foster, deputy leader (Human Resources, EDI and Legal)

Councillor Shaukat Ali, finance and digital

Councillor Adam Aston, health and wellbeing

Councillor Sue Ridney, children’s services, young people and families

Councillor Cathy Bayton, climate change and environment

Councillor Jackie Cowell, housing, communities and leisure

Councillor Keiran Casey, highways and street scene

Councillor Shaneila Mughal, commercialisation, procurement and audit

Councillor Parmjit Sahota, regeneration, skills and employment

Contact Information

Dudley Council