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New service for unpaid carers

People who provide unpaid care in Dudley borough can benefit from a new online service.

Dudley Council has commissioned the 24/7 online support service called Bridgit, which can be tailored to each carers needs, as part of the Dudley Carers Hub provision. 

Bridgit brings everything carers need together in one simple and easy to use platform. It was built with input from carers, health teams, and community organisations to ensure it truly meets the needs of the local community and has been successfully adopted in other areas across the UK.

The site is designed to help carers find the resources they need, whenever they need them, while also connecting people to in person support services that are available locally. It includes things like mentoring and coaching, to balance the demands of caring, while helping unpaid carers to also look after their own wellbeing.

Councillor Andrea Goodard, cabinet member for adult social care said:

“Caring for someone can be overwhelming, and Dudley Council wants to make it easier for our unpaid carers.

“Bridgit is packed with tools and information to help carers manage stress, balance their responsibilities, and access financial support.

“Most importantly, it helps carers connect to local services and events, ensuring they always know where to turn for in person help.”

People can find out more and register for free at

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Dudley Council