New test centre to be set up in Halesowen
People in Halesowen are being urged to get a Covid PCR test, however mild their symptoms, in response to a rise in cases in the area.
A drop-in covid test centre is being set up in Birmingham Street car park, Halesowen, from Saturday May 29, for people to visit without the need for making an appointment.
It will be open 10am-6pm, every day for the next two weeks. The test centre can be accessed by car or by foot.
While the number of cases across Dudley borough is falling, Halesowen has seen a recent rise, including 12 cases of variants of concern.
The test centre is being set up to help track any undetected cases and to prevent further spread of the virus. Reducing the spread will help us move to the next stage of the government roadmap.
Residents with any symptoms, however mild, are being encouraged to get a standard coronavirus test (PCR) as well as those who think they may have come into contact with someone with COVID.
Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for health and adult social care, said:
We’re being proactive in the Halesowen area following a recent rise in the number of cases and I would urge anyone with symptoms, however mild, to get a PCR test at this new centre.
There is no evidence to suggest the variant puts people at greater risk, but we do know it has a higher transmission rate, which is why it’s important for people to get tested so we can track and identify any further cases to help prevent the spread of the disease.
While the number of cases across the borough is in fact falling, it’s important wherever you live, you remain vigilant. This virus is still very much with us and we must continue to be cautious.
Please continue to follow hands, face, space and fresh air guidance and do twice weekly lateral flow (symptom free) testing, even after vaccination. It’s important you have both doses of the vaccine when offered. By getting your jab, you’re not only helping to protect yourself, but also your family and the wider community.
Across the borough there are 17 Kent variants and 21 non-UK variants.
PCR tests need to be carried out for anyone with symptoms or who are feeling unwell or have come into contact with someone with a positive test. PCR tests can also be checked for variants.
A full list of possible Covid-19 symptoms and details of our borough test sites are available at www.dudley.gov.uk/coronavirustesting
Everyone in Dudley borough needs to play their part, stay vigilant and follow the government guidelines, getting a test and isolating if symptomatic.
It’s still vital we are all lateral flow testing (LFT) twice a week, washing hands, wearing a face covering, meeting outdoors where possible, adhering to social distancing guidelines, and getting the vaccine when offered. More information can be found at www.dudley.gov.uk/coronavirus
People in Halesowen can also get a PCR test at one of our other local Dudley test sites or by ordering a home test kit. More information can be found at https://www.dudley.gov.uk/testsites