Tc shopping

Online business hub as shoppers return

Businesses are being urged to make use of an online hub packed with information and resources to keep Dudley borough town centres safe.

More town centre shops are set to open next week as the government continues to gradually lift coronavirus restrictions.

Dudley Council has produced an online hub with posters, advice and other helpful resources which can be downloaded and used in shops.

It includes advice for staff and shoppers about social distancing and how to manage queues of people. It also includes advice on the early stages of reopening a business.

The new government measures come into place from Monday (June 15) and will see ‘non-essential’ shops open such as those selling clothes, shoes, toys, furniture, books, and electronics, as well as tailors, auction houses, photography studios, and indoor markets.

Dudley Business First website will host the information along with other government advice for businesses such as grants and other financial support.

Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of Dudley Council, said:

“We understand this is a difficult time, both for the businesses that will be opening from Monday and those shoppers visiting them. We are doing everything we can to support businesses and shoppers to make sure our town centres are as safe as they can be.

“There are some things people need to remember when visiting our town centres, such as social distancing and avoiding shopping in large groups. The online resource we have produced will help everyone with that, and hopefully keep everyone safe.”

The online resource can be found at

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Dudley Council