Budget consultation 2020 artwork

Reminder to have your say on spending plans

There are just a few weeks left for people to have their say on plans to invest millions of pounds into Dudley Council services - particularly for older and vulnerable people.

Dudley Council is consulting the public on this year’s budget proposals.

People have until the end of the month to share their opinions on the proposals before they are determined in the spring.

Plans include investments in the care system and nursing as well as maintaining investment in the voluntary sector which has been critical during the pandemic.

There is also money to meet the growth in demand for care for people with complex dementia and learning disabilities and rising costs of care.

There are also plans to invest in the council’s antisocial behaviour team as well as creating more community support officers to pound the streets of the borough.

Leisure is also in-line for a boost with proposals for a refurbishment programme at Halesowen and Stourbridge’s Crystal leisure centres next year, to add to the new Dudley Leisure Centre which is already taking shape.

To help fund the extra spending the council is planning to raise the basic rate of council tax by 1.99 per cent along with a 3 per cent rise which will go specifically to vital services for the elderly which have been so important to people during the coronavirus pandemic. It makes a total 4.99 per cent increase.

But borough residents will continue to pay some of the lowest rates in the country – a rise of just over £1 a week for the average property (Band B).

Councillor Steve Clark, cabinet member for finance, said:

It has been an incredibly difficult 12 months for everyone and we have seen people rely on council services more than ever before.
These are significant investments in areas which need them most – particularly those services for older and more vulnerable people.
There is still time for people to let us know what they think before a formal decision is taken.

The consultation is available online at www.dudley.gov.uk until January 28.          

The consultation will only be available online this year to help stop the spread of coronavirus by people handling hard copies of the questions.

People can also fill in the consultation with the link on social media and people can also be emailed a copy by signing up to the council’s free e-bulletins at www.dudley.gov.uk

Contact Information

Dudley Council
