budget consultation 2021 22

Residents have their say on council spend

Residents across Dudley borough are being asked to help shape spending on services as part of the annual budget consultation.

Finance bosses at Dudley Council have outlined plans to spend millions of pounds supporting services for older people, roads, the environment and much more from next April.

It includes £34million for older, more vulnerable people as well as more than £2.5million to tackle potholes and improve carparks. There are also major investments for CCTV, street cleaning and much more.

The council has also announced proposals to increase council tax from April next year to help pay for the improved services, but residents will continue to have some of the lowest council tax bills in the country. The plans include a 1.99 per cent increase in the basic rate along with a 1 per cent increase specifically for adult social care, making a total of 2.99 per cent. That is about 65p per week for the average (Band B) home.

Now residents are being asked to rank services that are important to them as well as make comments on the budget proposals. The consultation is available online along with hard copies at leisure centres, libraries and Dudley Council Plus.

Councillor Steve Clark, cabinet member for finance, said:

This is a budget that sets out very clearly that we are planning to invest in services for the people of this borough. But it is also vital we listen to what people want, which services are important to them and how they feel their money should be invested.
“There are lots of ways people can take part and I urge everyone to have their say.”
People can fill in the survey on the council's website or pick up a copy from libraries, leisure centres and Dudley Council Plus.


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Dudley Council
