Residents urged to continue to stay alert
Dudley residents are urged to continue to stay alert to keep them, their families and everyone around them safe following a rise in the number of Covid-19 cases in the borough over the last week.
The latest data shows there were 16 new cases from July 21 to 27, an average of 5 cases per 100,000 residents, compared to four from July 14-20, an average of 1.2 cases per 100,000.
Among the increase in cases there are instances of spread within family households and Dudley’s director of public health is reminding people of the importance of following government guidelines to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Director of public health Bal Kaur said:
We are closely monitoring the data for Dudley and while our number of cases remains very low, we have seen a small rise over the last week, some of these within family households.
With restrictions easing and us all now being able to see family and friends, it’s important to remember the virus has not gone away.
It’s vital we continue to limit contact with people outside our own households or bubbles, we don’t meet in large groups and we follow social distancing and stay at two-meters away from others, where we can.
If you have symptoms you must self isolate and get tested. If your test shows you have the virus you will be asked to protect the community by sharing details of your close contacts with the NHS Test and Trace service. This allows us to provide guidance to the contacts to slow the infection rate in the borough.
While we have seen a rise in cases, it’s important to stress this does not mean we are close to a local lockdown.
The numbers are still low in Dudley and I’d like to thank you all for your efforts in adhering to public health measures. However, we do need everyone to continue to play their part and follow government guidance to help control the virus and save lives.”
Residents are urged to continue to stay at home as much as possible, limit contact with other people and work from home if they can. When out and about:
- keep your distance from others and avoid crowds. Stay two metres away from others, where you can
- wear a face covering when on public transport, shopping or in enclosed public spaces to reduce the spread of the virus
- wash your hands regularly throughout the day
Symptoms include a high temperature, new and continuous cough or a loss or change to smell and taste. If you have symptoms, you must get tested. You can book a test online at or call 119.
If you are contacted by Test and Trace, please share as much information as possible. The data is only used to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
If you think a member of your household may have the virus, not only is it important they get tested, but you need to follow government guidance on what to do to stop the infection spreading to other family members
For the latest information on help and support in Dudley, residents can go to
For the latest government guidance visit