Councillor Laura Taylor

Rough sleeper data released for Dudley

National data released today confirms the number of people sleeping rough in Dudley borough remains low.

Council bosses have vowed to do all they can to continue to support people at risk of becoming homeless.

Every year the government asks local authorities up and down the country to carry out a count of the number of rough sleepers in the area on one specific night.

The most recent count was carried out in November 2022 and in Dudley it found there were seven rough sleepers, a small increase compared to previous years.

Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member for housing and communities, said:

We have seen a very small increase in the number of rough sleepers according to the national rough sleeper data but this is still a low number compared to many other areas.
Our homeless prevention team is focused on keeping people off the streets and continues to support people who are at risk of losing their home or find themselves in an emergency with nowhere to stay.
They offer advice and support to help people stay in their home or can find emergency accommodation and a long-term home.
Our outreach workers try to contact all reported rough sleepers and work with them to secure suitable accommodation. This includes regular visits or contact with people who have refused accommodation in the past in the hope they will accept an offer in the future.
We will continue to do all we can to support people who at risk of becoming homeless or are sleeping rough.

The council is receiving a contribution from the government’s rough sleepers initiative fund of around £150,000 every year for three years to help fund the work.

This money will continue to be used to fund two outreach officers and a private rented sector intervention officer.

The outreach workers are responsible for responding to reports of rough sleepers, visiting them and working with them to source accommodation and support. 

The private rented sector intervention officer will help to prevent homelessness for people who are in dispute or experiencing difficulties with their existing rented accommodation.

The council also continues to support people with complex needs and who are at risk of becoming homeless through the Housing First project.  Since it launched in the borough in 2019 as a government pilot, the project has helped 38 people to obtain their own tenancy and provided support.

Anyone at risk or becoming homeless or in need of support can call the homelessness prevention service via Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345 or 0300 555 0030.

People can report a rough sleeper via or through the Change into Action website -

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Dudley Council