Summerhill students

Secondary school students support child friendly work

Students from secondary schools across the borough have spoken out in support of Dudley Council’s child friendly Dudley initiative.

Through a series of workshops, more than 150 students have told the council what they think it means to be child friendly and why it’s important, as young people, they have their voices heard.

Their comments, along with the thoughts of students from other schools and colleges, are being used to develop a framework for the initiative.

The framework will set out a plan of action to achieve the Child Friendly Dudley ambition that all children and young people from birth right up to the age of 25 (for those with additional needs) have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

The framework will be published online at

Councillor James Clinton, cabinet member for public health, said:

“I would like to thank the schools and students for their ongoing support in our efforts to create a child friendly borough.

“We believe that one of the most important elements of being child friendly is that children and young people have the opportunity to speak out about what matters to them and that we listen and respond.

“In doing this, we hope to fulfil our ambition to create a borough where very child and young person has the right to grow up in an environment where they feel safe and secure, have access to the right services and are able to learn, play and grow while fulfilling their huge potential."

If anyone thinks they are already helping to fulfil Child Friendly Dudley within their organisation or would like to get involved, they can email

People can sign up to receive more information about Child Friendly Dudley.

Child friendly Dudley is led by the council’s public health team.

Contact Information

Dudley Council

Notes to editors

Picture caption from left to right: Hayley Walton, Child Friendly Dudley programme lead at Dudley Council, students from Summerhill School and Tim Harris, headteacher at Summerhill School.