Cllr Nicolas Barlow

Self-isolation period reduced

The government has announced yesterday (22 December) that the self-isolation period for positive cases is to reduce from ten to seven days.

From 22 December, positive cases will be able to leave self-isolation if they take lateral flow tests on two consecutive days from Day 6 of their isolation. These must be taken at least a full 24 hours apart.

People are authorised to leave self-isolation early as a result of these changes are strongly advised to follow the current Winter Plan B regulations, including limiting close contact with others outside their household, especially in crowded, enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces.

Where a case is already on day 7 or day 8 on 22 December they will still need two negative LFD tests at least a full 24 hours apart to be able to leave self-isolation early.

Unvaccinated people still have to isolate for the full 10 days if they are a contact.

Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for health and adult social care:
It’s vitally important that people understand these changes. The isolation period only reduces if people have two clear lateral flow test a day apart from day 6 of their isolation.
Unvaccinated people will have to adhere to the full ten days. This is a great reminder that people can still get vaccinated even if they’ve not had a single dose before. Boosters are also available to eligible people and you can find out where your nearest centre is on



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