Cllr Paul Bradley

Sign up for planning alerts

Residents are being encouraged to sign up for planning updates to stay in the know.

The email alert service lets people know of any local planning and building applications in their area.

Simply go to the InMyArea section of the council website and follow the instructions from there.

Based on their address, users can view what’s relevant to them including bin dates, local amenities and attractions, schools and community facilities and other services local to them.

Or by creating an account they can personalise the service. Users can opt in to planning and building application alerts specific to their area, opting for a radius of between 50m and 500m of their own property.

The alerts system is an additional way to find out about planning applications as from July the council is no longer sending neighbour notification letters. This is part of its pledge to reduce the amount of paper it uses.

Public notices will still be displayed on or near sites with active planning applications and  weekly lists will remain available on the council  website.

Councillor Paul Bradley, deputy leader of Dudley Council, said:

“The InMyArea planning alerts are a really useful way for people to know what’s happening in their area. They can specify alerts from between 50 to 500m letting them know what’s in their immediate vicinity and in the wider area too.

“Signing up for email alerts is quick and easy and ensures you get notifications to your inbox as soon as they happen.”

View the InMyArea section of the council website at

Search for any planning application at

View the weekly planning list at

Contact Information

Dudley Council