
Stay safe in parks

With warm weather on the way, residents are reminded to use their parks and open spaces responsibly.

Government advice is still to stay at home and only go outside for food, health reasons or to work (but only if you cannot work from home). People are allowed out for one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk or cycle – alone or with members of their household.

People are still able to enjoy their local open space, but residents are reminded that while it’s important to enjoy fresh air and exercise, parks and outdoor spaces should only be used for an allotted period of exercise each day. People must maintain safe social distances for other park users, whether they’re sitting, walking, running or cycling.

In order to protect people, Dudley Council has shut down play equipment at its parks and open spaces to help protect users from the coronavirus.

Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member responsible for parks said:

The days of leisurely family picnics, pushing the kids for hours on the swings, playing a game of football with friends or spending an afternoon strolling the grounds of local parks are behind us for the time being.
We want people to enjoy their local green spaces, but they need to use them first and foremost for exercise and must observe the rules of social distancing to ensure that they and other park users stay safe which is why we’ve taken steps to close off access to communal play areas. It is essential that people observe social distancing, if not we may have to close our parks.
I know that our parks are held in great affection by local people, but during this challenging time for us a nation we need to focus on what is best for all of us and work together to achieve that.

Congregating in groups is forbidden, and Dudley Council has already closed Himley Hall and Park to deter large groups of people who were congregating on the grounds. The government states that unless you are with members of your household, gatherings of more than two people in parks and other public spaces have been banned.

Any damage to barriers or fencing on play areas should be reported to Dudley Council Plus 0300 555 2345 or email

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Dudley Council

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