Mayor of Dudley Cllr Anne Millward and the Lord Lieutenant John Crabtree OBE encourage people to take part in a Jubilee tea party small

Still time to register your Jubilee tea party

Dudley Council is waiving road closure charges for communities hosting street parties to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee but the deadline to register is approaching.

Celebrations are set to take place during a long bank holiday weekend from 2 to the 5 June. As part of the weekend, communities, neighbours and friends are invited to come together to hold a Big Jubilee Lunch, whether that’s in a garden, a park, community hall or a whole street. People who would like to request a road closure have until 13 May to do so.

In order to support community celebrations, Dudley Council will be waiving the standard legal fees which applies to road closures. Applications for smaller streets and cul-de-sacs are advised. Main roads and bus routes cannot be accepted.

The Mayor of Dudley, Councillor Anne Millward, said:
We’ve had 20 applications so far and we’d love to see more. Celebrating together is a way for our communities to show their support for the Queen but also celebrate how neighbours have pulled together to support one another over what has been a challenging couple of years.
I’m hosting a tea party at the town hall on 25 May with invited guests who are celebrating their 70th birthdays, but I’m really keen for us to support these community events which bring friends and neighbours together.

The Big Jubilee Lunch forms part of a host of activities the council is organising in to celebrate the jubilee including tree planting events, the lighting of a beacon at Dudley Castle on 2 June and a tea party on 25 May.

To request tickets for the tea party or to find out more about the borough’s jubilee activities visit the Mayor of Dudley website

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Dudley Council