Study into weedkiller ordered
The use of pesticides by Dudley Council will be scrutinised to get to the root tackling weeds in the borough.
Members of the housing and public realm scrutiny committee will look at the authority’s use of glyphosate.
The chemical is used to tackle weeds on roads, pavements and other public spaces across the borough but has prompted criticism from some people over its use.
A report detailing its use, including its advantages and disadvantages, will be put before the committee along with suggested alternative methods of weed control.
Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for public realm, said:
It is absolutely vital we control the growth of weeds both for safety reasons on roads and pavements, to reduce damage to the highway infrastructure, and to ensure our borough continues to look inviting and welcoming.
People have told us that tackling weeds is important to them and we have continued to invest in this area.
The use of glyphosate has been the source of debate and we have therefore asked our scrutiny process to have a detailed look at its use, as well as any alternatives that might be available to control weeds.
They will be looking at how it is used, how temperature and weather can affect it and any disadvantages and limitations for the chemical, so that we can make an informed decision on its future use.
However, one thing is for certain, we must continue to do all we can to tackle weeds across the borough for everyone’s benefit.
Note to editors
Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide first formulated in 1970, introduced in 1971 and has been a commercial success since its introduction.
Glyphosate is a translocated, systemic weed killer which on contact moves throughout the plant, killing roots and shoots. After the weed killer has been sprayed, it can take a few weeks to take effect. Weeds will eventually ‘die-back'. It is effective on perennial weeds and is one of the few products left available to successfully control invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed and Giant Hogweed due to its approval for use on or near water.
For more on glyphosate view the report here