Thanks to volunteers
Partners have praised and thanked the efforts of community groups and volunteers who have helped deliver hundreds of food and medical parcels in recent weeks.
Dudley Council for Voluntary Service continues to lead the borough’s efforts in partnership with Dudley Council, health services, churches, Black Country Food Bank and West Midlands Police to ensure the most vulnerable residents in the borough are supported during the coronavirus outbreak.
The voluntary organisation, based in Brierley Hill, is working with existing voluntary groups to offer crisis support. It has also seen more than 500 local residents come forward to volunteer and boost efforts.
DCVS has used the existing groups as well as the response from local people to create six community support networks covering all corners of the borough. These networks are providing a single point of co-ordination and mobilisation and helping to identify vulnerable groups and families.
It has meant that collectively more than 550 food and medical parcels have been delivered in the last two weeks. This is in addition to parcels delivered by some voluntary partners within their local areas.
Andy Gray, chief executive at Dudley Council for Voluntary Services, said:
We are so grateful for the response we’ve had from our partners and the community who are doing all they can to help us as we navigate our way through these challenging times to offer crisis support to the people who need it most.
My message to them all is clear - you are a lifeline for so many and I’m sure they would join me in saying a massive thank you.
Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for health and adult social care, said:
The response we’ve seen across Dudley borough makes me feel incredibly proud and I offer my sincere thanks to everyone for playing their part, however big or small.
I would like to send special thanks to our colleagues at DCVS who are doing a fantastic job in mobilising the community response.
I hope when we look back in years to come, we remember how well the people of Dudley borough came together to help and look after one another.
Chief Superintendent Sally Bourner, Neighbourhood Policing Unit Commander for Dudley police, said:
We’re seeing a tremendous amount of community spirit and help for others, reflecting the very best of human kindness during these unprecedented times.
Dudley Council for Voluntary Service is leading and co-ordinating work to help vulnerable people. If you are able to volunteer and help you can find out more via their website at https://www.dudleycvsreview.org
Currently DCVS is supporting people who are unable to do their own shopping or collect medications because of their vulnerability or they are self-isolating. Local volunteers offer a shop and drop service. This service is available to those who have no access to family or close neighbours and are able to pay for their goods.
DCVS is also working closely with the Black Country Food Bank to support people who are struggling financially.
People can call Dudley CVS on (01384) 573381. The line is staffed Monday to Friday, from 9.30am to 12.30pm. If families can pay for their shopping, volunteers will endeavour to meet the need to shop and deliver. Those who are not in a position to pay will be referred to their local foodbank.