Two School Streets trials could come to borough
Legal traffic orders could come into effect in Dudley borough early next year as part of a pilot scheme to reduce congestion and improve road safety around schools.
Dudley Council is working with partners to pilot the orders as part of the School Streets scheme, with roads near to Peter’s Hill Primary, Amblecote, and Brook Primary, Brierley Hill, affected.
There has been extensive engagement in the local communities, with further consultation expected to start within the next month.
Dudley Council successful applied for £72,000 of funding from The West Midlands Combined Authority to make the pilot possible.
An experimental traffic regulation order will be advertised and, if implemented, will be monitored for a minimum of 12 months after it has come into force, before deciding if it is to become permanent.
Under the proposals, most motorists will be prohibited from driving on the selected roads from 8.15 to 9.15am and 2.30 to 3.45pm. Enforcement action is to be led by West Midlands Police, with anyone found to be contravening the order possibly facing a fixed penalty notice.
There will be exemptions for vehicles that require continuous access such residents, people with disabilities, residential carers, emergency vehicles and school staff.
Councillor Damian Corfield, cabinet member for highways and environment, said:
“Dudley Council wants to find the best ways to improve road safety for school runs and we are dedicated to supporting more children to use active travel for their ongoing health and wellbeing.
“We are pleased to be piloting this innovative scheme, which could also help to reduce pollution in the areas, and I would like to thank both schools for their ongoing support as we prepare to put these temporary orders in place.
Dr Rob Clinton, cabinet member for climate change, said:
“We are really excited to trial this scheme, which could have a big beneficial impact on air quality in the locality of the schools taking part.
“There are several other authorities including Solihull, Birmingham and Walsall Council that have already successfully implemented similar orders at some of their school localities.”
The legal order will be advertised widely before coming into force and appropriate signage will be installed to inform motorists.
Parents and carers of pupils attending the two schools will be kept informed of any developments through their school.