Use green spaces responsibly
People in Dudley borough are being reminded that they must stick to national lockdown rules when visiting local parks and green spaces.
Parks across the borough currently remain open for people to use for their daily permitted exercise but residents are reminded that they must not meet more than one person from another household, must always follow social distancing by remaining at least 2metres apart and should keep travelling to a minimum.
Children’s play equipment remains open for use, but people are reminded to maintain social distancing and follow hands, face, space guidance to keep themselves and others safe.
People are also asked to remember the importance of distancing on canal towpaths and in nature reserves, where paths could be narrow.
Councillor Karen Shakespeare, cabinet member for public realm, said:
Green spaces are important to our physical and mental wellbeing and I would like to thank the vast majority of our residents who continue to visit our parks responsibly.
Sadly, Dudley borough continues to fight against the coronavirus and infection rates remain worryingly high so we must ask everyone to double down their efforts and follow the rules.
If some continue to flout the government rules, they could face a fine from the police and we may be forced to rethink the access we are giving to play areas and parks.
Outdoor gyms and multi-use courts are closed in accordance with lockdown restrictions.
People should stay away from parks if feeling unwell. Anyone displaying any of the main three symptoms of coronavirus, a new, continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss or change to their sense of smell, must isolate and book a Covid-19 test by visiting www.nhs.co.uk/coronavirus or by calling 119.