Winter switch scheme launches
People can sign up to a winter energy switching scheme to potentially save on their energy bills.
Dudley Council is once again working with ichoosr to take part in a big community switch.
The switching scheme is part of a national government initiative, which sees councils coming together and taking part in a collective energy switching auction.
By joining together, they are able to get the very best energy deals through the power of bulk buying.
The last auction took place in October, but on that occasion energy suppliers were unable to offer any deals.
Residents that were registered for the October auction will automatically be entered into the winter one.
Anyone else can register too, before the auction takes place on January 9.
Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member for housing and safer communities, said:
We were disappointed that the energy industry was unable to make a collective deal to those who had registered for the switch in October.
But we remain optimistic that they’ll be able to come up with a deal to save our residents money on their bills.
Although we can’t guarantee a deal will be available, the more people that register to take part, the better deal we could potentially get. So, I’d urge people to register, there’s nothing to lose and it only take a few minutes.
To register with Dudley’s Big Switch, visit the council’s website, www.dudley.gov.uk/bigswitch. Alternatively, people can register by calling Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345, they will then be guided through the simple process. They will need to have their current tariff details and fuel usage (shown on their most recent bill) to hand.
Anyone who is in debt with their energy bills is advised to speak to the council’s energy advice line before registering to switch. They can be contacted on 01384 817086.